Worship Service: Sundays at 9:45 a.m
All are invited
As a Presbyterian Church, we believe going to worship is a verb. We go to worship God as the One who creates, redeems, and sustains by loving and guiding us as the Sovereign Ruler of all creation. We go to worship and attend to the divine service of God’s rule at work in the world, seen most clearly in worship of the gathered church, and we enter into that divine service as servants of it, joining our liturgy in its work both inside and outside the sanctuary with the work of God in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. In addition, we worship and serve God by loving one another – and this begins in the community of those who come on Sunday mornings. We are called to extend this love outward to all whom we meet in our daily walk. On the first Sunday of each month and on most special days in the Christian calendar, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is observed. First Presbyterian Church practices an open table and invites all those who trust Jesus Christ is Lord to partake of Communion. As the work of the people, we joyfully invite all God’s beloved children to join us in participating in worship. We, the church, gather to praise God, to hear God’s word to humankind, to baptize and to join in communion, to pray for and present the world to Christ in worship, to enjoy fellowship, to receive instruction, strength and comfort, to be tested, renewed and reformed, and to speak and act in the world.

As a Reformed Church,
First Presbyterian Church of South Bend celebrates two sacraments, which we call the visible signs of God’s invisible grace. Baptism and communion are witnessed to in the Scriptures and sustained through the history of the universal Church. According to the Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order: “The Sacraments are the Word of God enacted and sealed in the life of the Church, the body of Christ. They are gracious acts of God, by which Christ Jesus offers his life to us in the power of the Holy Spirit.”