Welcome Visitors
It is our hope that your visit to First Presbyterian Church of Downtown South Bend will be spirit-filled and a God-encountering moment. We want you to experience inspiring words, music and silence through worship of the living God. In order to make that happen, here are a few Frequently Asked Questions that we can answer before you even walk in the door.
Deacons, Elders and Ministries Committees
As a Reformed denomination, what makes Presbyterian’s unique is our form of government. It is representational in nature and function, needing both lay and ordained lay and clergy leadership to joyfully serve God. Ordained leadership in FPC South Bend include:
The ministry of Deacons, as set forth by the Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Book of Order is “one of compassion, witness and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.”
This ministry is an ordained and commissioned ministry of the church. The Board of Deacons meets monthly.
The ministry of Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church is an ordained position of leadership to govern and discern the church’s fidelity to the Word of God as well as strengthen and nurture its faith and life. Ruling elders, together with Teaching Elders or Ministers, exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of a congregation. When elected by the congregation, they serve together on the session, the governing body of the church. The Session meets monthly. Elders are also tasked as Chairs of Ministry Committees of FPC.
Ministry Committees
The life and work of FPC South Bend is performed by ministry committees comprised of members and chaired by Elders according to their gifts and talents.
Committees include Christian Education ,Congregational Life, Mission, Outreach, Personnel, Facilities Usage, House, and Worship. Each committee is at work within and without the church throughout the year and are always welcome to new members.
To learn more about life and work of ministry committees see our church newsletter.