The people sing praise to God in hymn, psalm or spiritual. Through music, this praise tells of God’s greatness, majesty and goodness. Praise is a joyful response to the incomparable gift of God in Jesus Christ and is so dominate in Reformed worship, especially at First Presbyterian Church, Downtown South Bend. FPC sees music as an instrument of God’s grace. It is through music we enliven worship in powerful ways, that changes lives, inspires the church through familiar and new songs.

Children's Choir

Starting in the fall and continuing through the school year, children 4 years old through 6th grade may share their musical gifts with our Children’s Choir. They rehearse after the Children’s Moment in the 9:45 am worship service. Then the children share their gifts on the third Sunday of every month. See the church calendar to confirm this year’s dates.
Interested in joining us? Please Make sure to print off and fill out the following forms:
Download Forms
Child Information Form
Child Permission Form

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir loves music. This adult choir are those who enjoy singing lead the congregation in Hymns, sing artfully prepared Anthems and help create worship a time of reverence but also joy. They practice on Wednesday evenings, at 7pm. Questions, please contact our Director of Music.

Praise Team

A lay-led Praise Team leads music using contemporary praise music. With a moving beat and an invitation for the congregation to join in singing, our worship is expansive in genres and styles. Warm-ups begin 9:45 am on Sundays.

Sanctuary Organ

FPC’s Sanctuary Organ and sanctuary is available for special concerts and recitals. To check availability and pricing, contact the Church Office.

Click below for information.